Sunday, November 1, 2009

Catching up...

...So I fell behind in my blog for two days!! My last post was on Monday or Tuesday, and though I have been writing everyday, I didn't want to post anything until I was fully caught up. Let me just say, writing poems is enjoyable but can be extremely frustrating, especially when I am thinking of other things and am not in creative mode. My neurons are spent! But there it is! My four poems, one for every season :D! I am so over it LOL! Finally, today I had the time to finish the last poem, and now I am writing this at 5:30 pm. This entry is for the last two days, yesterday - Saturday and today - Sunday.

Yesterday was Halloween, and it was super and, in some respects, very last minute fun! My best friend Krys, has been ridiculously busy with school and had decided not to do anything for Halloween. I, on the other hand, was determined to do something, though I had no idea what. I even thought of flying to Reno to visit a dear friend I haven't seen it what seems like an eternity. Checking flight prices for the two days prior to Halloween was to no avail. It wasn't any less than $250 to travel, and for only one night, it just wasn't worth it to me. Here I had been invited to a few events which were mostly at clubs or bars, and I was not much in the mood for that. Thankfully, on Thursday, a good girlfriend of mine invited me to her apartment for a late party she would be throwing on Halloween night. I told her I'd surely come. On Friday, I was fortunate to make a new acquaintance who extended an invitation to me to attend a Halloween bash at his home in the Hollywood Hills. I convinced Krys to go with me. I knew she would end up moping at home alone while I hit the town, and that was simply unacceptable. A frantic dash to the costume store, to piece an outfit together for her to wear, ended in success when we found feathery angel wings and a halo to accompany a white dress I lent her. She was a beautiful white angel, and I, a naughty nurse. LOL! What fun!!! We pulled into the Hollywood home at 8pm, and as we climbed the long flight of stairs up to the beautiful house, which sat on the side of the canyon overlooking a fabulous view of Universal City, we squirmed with glee realizing what a great party this would turn out to be. As the first guests to arrive, we commanded the full attention of our gracious hosts and were first serve at the open bar. I was glad to receive a warm welcome from and pleasant encounters with new people who all were very friendly, polite, and sane! Hey, in this town you never know.. there are some crazies! LOL! But at this party, it was good times and good people. As the crowd began to accumulate, we proceeded to introduce ourselves and started taking the notorious costume pictures that make Halloween what it is... an excuse for pure goofiness! The hor'derves began going around as music played and more people continued arriving. We danced, laughed, mingled, drank, ate, joked around etc.. After three and a half hours, we left to go to my other friends' apartment where we finished the evening with pepperoni pizza and jello shots that were way too strong! Ha! And what a great night to roll the clocks back an hour for the time change, an extra hour to get more rest... Like a cherry on top of whip cream, or whip cream on top of ice cream, if you don't like cherries ;)

Last week was great. There were pleasant surprises and nice memories made. I am also grateful to have had a busy work week, and long hours at work for some badass overtime! I am thankful for times to party and just enjoy life, and it is encouraging to make spur of the moment decisions that end up being just what the doctor ordered. I am thankful when I meet people that prove to be who they say they are, even if their stories sound a bit extraordinary. I am thankful for a new month in which I don't know what the heck I will write about, but that inches me closer to the new year and completion of this blog. I am excited for the mystery of this coming week, the great experiences it holds for me, and the anticipation of serendipitous meetings. I am thankful to be fully caught up now and hope I don't fall behind again!

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