Sunday, November 1, 2009

"Ode to the Four Seasons: Spring"

Spring is in the air,
And temperatures are rising.
Grass is peeking up through snow
Under which it had been hiding.
The ice is steadily melting;
The sun is shining bright,
Ending hibernation
With it's powerful rays of light.
The Easter bunny is in town,
We're painting and hiding eggs!
But really it's about our
Savior rising from the dead!
Redemption bought at what high price
That day at Calvary...
When Jesus shed His precious blood
And died for you and me.
Then three days after hope was lost
When Christ gave His last breath,
And conquered sin and death!!!
Look out! Spring break has hit,
And all the students are free,
To go crazy or just be lazy
Or catch up on some zzzzzzz's!
Just for a week, then reluctantly,
To school they will return,
To continue with their studies;
There's still so much to learn!
But it's just as well
To stay indoors,
For work or school or
household chores...
For outside it is
Gloomy and wet!
Water has condensed,
And the skies have let
Precipitation fall,
Known as April showers:
Much needed rain
For blooming flowers!
The Purple Crocus
Usually Comes first,
But stick around
You'll be immersed...
In various scents
And colors awesome!
Take for example,
The Cherry Blossom.
In DC they surround the
Potomac River.
As the wind lightly blows,
And the petals quiver,
It's such a gorgeous
Sight to behold!
The beauty could never
Be justly told!
For words cannot
Begin to describe,
The glory displayed
When flowers thrive!
Freesia, Orchids,
Zinnia, and Heather,
Completely unfold
In spring's cool weather!
Tulips and Roses and
Lovely Sweet Peas...
A heavenly playground
For the bumble bees.
The hummingbird flaps
Her wings so fast;
Spring's bewitching
Spell has been cast.
As the school year
Comes to a close,
So does spring,
But everyone knows,
The best season
Is yet to come!
Let's all get ready
For summer fun!

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