Sunday, November 1, 2009

"Ode to the Four Seasons: Winter"

It's the first day of winter
Christmas is within a week!!
A tiny snowflake has landed
Upon your rosy cheek.
Outside there's children laughing,
And all are filled with cheer,
Because it seems we'll have
Another white Christmas this year!
The carolers are singing,
Going from door to door,
While procrastinators are shopping,
last minute at the stores.
Presents, nicely wrapped,
Are under the Christmas tree;
Couples are under the mistletoe
Kissing for all to see!
The Eve is here and old St. Nick
We're told will surely come!
But we all know deep down inside
It's all about God's Son.
A King was born upon this day
Ago in Bethlehem!
..A star so bright to light the night
And point the world to Him!
And now we set apart some time
To think about a change.
Decide the things within our lives
We need to rearrange.
New years is again at hand,
And we all have made conclusions.
We've set our goals and then defined
Our personal resolutions.
At each year's end the world is blessed
With a brand new beginning..
As we progress, and do our best
We always will be winning!
January! A fresh new start...
Looking forward to all the things
And the all the great adventures
The new year will surely bring.
Outside the weather's frigid;
The nights are oh so cold!
...A great excuse to cuddle,
And a loved one to closely hold.
Snuggled by the fire,
Getting cozy and warm,
Looking out the window
At the crazy blizzard storm!
Tomorrow we'll be snowed in!
We'll stay bundled in our beds...
Then later we'll speed down the slope
Upon our plastic sleds!
Mittens, gloves and scarfs,
Down coats and tall boots..
Ear muffs, ice skates, snowboards,
Skis and matching ski suits.
Yay! So much to do outdoors,
The snow can be pure fun!
Be sure to take some Vitamin C
Before the day is done...
Preventions taken to avoid
Viruses, colds, and
Like wearing socks and slippers
When you're not wearing shoes.
February has returned again with
A day for romance and lovers...
Two hearts entwined in love sublime,
Some action under the covers!
Chocolates and red roses
And cards are a typical sign
Of a lover's fervent passion
Toward their Valentine.
March now steadily passing.
It's nearing winter's end.
But there's some spring surprises
Coming just around bend!

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