Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wireless Internet, YouTube, & HotTubs

Today, I was absolutely useless! LOL!! I woke up at 9am and watched youtube pretty much all day! Last night I discovered that a Mexican soap opera I watched back in 1994, is on youtube... all 43 one hour episodes!!! I'm hooked! I watched 11 episodes which took about 7 hours, since there are no commercials. Like a true coach potato, I ate breakfast and lunch in front of the "tube" - aka: my macbook. My laptop's convenient portability allowed me to watch while eating at the kitchen table, while vegetating in my pj's on my bed, and while later exercising in the living room. OK, so I guess I did one thing of value which was to work out. I strategically placed my computer on my little dinner tray table on the floor while I jogged in place, did squats and lunges, lifted weights, and did some push-ups. I reluctantly interrupted my soap marathon to do some grooming in preparation for work tomorrow and to write my daily blog. Right now, I'm watching the Lakers basketball game, and soon I'm going to sit down to eat dinner with the fam. After, I'm going to lounge in the hot tub with Krys for a while before showering and going to bed. I don't think I will have time to watch another episode of my favorite soap of all time tonight, but I can't wait to continue it!! Right now though, the hot tub is seriously a priority. I am looking forward to entering the scalding hot water and exiting with prune fingertips :) Today, I am thankful for my wireless internet connection and for youtube which together made watching my soap an easy, comfortable and wonderfully pleasant experience. LOL... I sound like an advertisement, but I am truly sincere. I am also thankful for the deliciously therapeutic hot tub that is patiently awaiting me. Sigh....

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