Monday, November 16, 2009

The Obliteration of Mount Disgusting!

One of the highlights of my week was popping the evil, massive zit that appeared out of nowhere on my face. On Sunday morning (the 8th of November) I noticed a red spot on my left cheek. I knew it was gonna be a big pimple, but I had no idea it was gonna be a bitch!! LOL! When I awoke to go to work on Monday, it had already become a conspicuous mound underneath my skin. My concealer couldn't even conceal it. It was dark red in it's depth and pink all around it's center fading into the surrounding skin. On Monday night, I was sure that by the next day it would surface into the usual pus-filled pustule, at which point it would easily pop during my daily ritual wiping with astringent. Boy was I wrong. On Tuesday it was the same red mound, and the infection I knew was in there, was so deep underneath the layers of skin that I couldn't even tell where the middle of it was. However, I kept on assuming the same thing each night: "Tomorrow morning it will have surfaced and I will rid myself of it!" Nope! It was like a creature with a personality was growing on my face, and it taunted me viciously every time I looked in the mirror. There's was no way to ignore it. It was so big and colored in contrast to my otherwise clear complexion, that whenever I looked at myself it was impossible for my gaze not to be immediately drawn to it. By Thursday, it was still the same, and it seemed to have gotten bigger. Not only was it harassing me visually, but it had also become very painful to the touch. When any form of pressure was applied to it, it felt like a needle pinching into my cheek muscle. The make-up artist on set that day, graciously tried to cover it up at my bidding, but even his professional make-up didn't prevail much in disguising the nasty fiend. He suggested that I steam it at home with a damp towel heated in the microwave to open up the pores and cause the underlying infection to rise to the surface. I couldn't wait to get home to proceed in following his instructions. I got home late that night, and though I was tired, I placed a towel dampened with the hottest water I could bear on the cyst several times. "Aaaaaah.... Surely tomorrow a whitehead will have formed and I will pop it without mercy!!" I happily thought to myself. On Friday morning I arose to the horror of the same stubborn, gigantic bump on my face! Unbelievable!! I don't think I've ever had a zit this bad, and trust me... I've had zits! I went to work on "Melrose Place" and thank God my friends were there to make light of it and make me laugh about it... but now, I was DETERMINED. During lunch I googled "how to draw a zit to the surface." I read all sorts of advice on the subject. I came across the hot damp towel trick several times, but it obviously hadn't been enough for this particularly bazaar and unpleasant occasion. Two suggestions seemed promising to me. The first was the use of hydrogen peroxide. One lady enthusiastically assured that applying hydrogen peroxide with a cotton ball to a zit for 15 or more minutes would cause it to come to a head. Their was a successful reply to her comment from someone who had tried it. Another website article stated that to differentiate between a zit and a boil, one should apply hydrogen peroxide in the same manner. If it was a zit, a whitehead would appear and it would begin healing. If it was a boil, nothing would happen. The second suggestion that seemed wise, was to apply a warm saltwater mixture to it with a cotton ball for the same amount of time. The salt would dry the pimple out and draw the infection to the surface. OK... So I got home on Friday night and applied hydrogen peroxide to it for 20 minutes. I saw a whitehead slightly appear, but it was still too deep and too faint to pop. I went to bed confident that on Saturday morning the whitehead would be full and ready to pop. UGGGGH... Let me tell you.. On Saturday morning there was no visible whitehead, and I was so frustrated I was the one about to burst instead of the pimple!!! First thing I did, while still in my pj's, was apply another cotton ball drenched in hydrogen peroxide to it for 15-20 minutes. Then I made the mixture of hot saltwater and applied that to it with a cotton ball for another 15-20 minutes. Finally a whitehead was clearly visible, but it was still too deep and painful to pop. So I reluctantly let it be. Half way through the day, I was in a dreary and lethargic mood. I realized that I was miserable and depressed by "Mount Disgusting" that had emerged on my cheek. I realized I had to get rid of it or else I wouldn't be able to get anything else done. I went into the bathroom and looked at the faint white center of the festering mountain of a zit, and I grabbed the towel I had used the night before. Now dry, I wet it with the hottest water that poured forth from the faucet and pressed it against my cheek. I could feel the zit burning. Then, as I gently pressed down on its sides, the whitehead in the center began surfacing more and more. I had read on the internet about using a pin to puncture a small hole into a pimple in order to drain it; so I disinfected a safety pin with 91% alcohol and stuck its spiky, sharp tip into the center of the whitehead only enough to create a tiny opening. A little bit of the white juice oozed out, so I grabbed the towel, wet it again in steamy, scalding water, and placed it on the zit to help open up the pore. I did that a couple times... then I squeezed... POP!!!! Part of the white juice spattered out!!! But I knew there was more of the nasty infection deeper inside... So I continued to squeeze and press against the sides of the zit harder. I was tense, with the muscles of my face clenched, scared that it would hurt; but suddenly, with rocket force, out gushed the rest of the pus and the solid little piece that was buried so deep in my skin too!!! Then it bled a little which confirmed that all the junk was completely out. OMG!!! What a relief that followed!! No more pain in my cheek; and with the iceberg, that was so large underneath the surface of my skin, now removed, my cheek was soft and already felt like it was beginning to smooth. I was so happy that I went downstairs and mock cried to Krystle. I had triumphed at last over the loathsome outbreak, and my pore had been rescued and cleansed out at last from the repulsive overgrowth of bacteria that had been trapped inside it. I finished the ordeal by smearing a good amount of Neosporin on the small open wound as I giggled with delightful glee at my glorious triumph. There is a mark on my cheek where the zit was, but it is healing and fading quickly now. I vow that I shall never let a zit inhabit my face for that long ever again!! And now that I know the ultimate zit obliterating technique, I don't think I will have a problem ;D

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