Sunday, November 8, 2009

Health, Technology, and Curling Irons :)

Well.. again I fell behind, though this time I didn't feel too bad about it, ha! I'm slacking! To catch up, this entry will be a recap of the last three days and will be long. I did find many things to be grateful for. On Wednesday night I did go to my apartment complex's hot tub as I said I would, and it was FABULOUS! It was chilly outside and extremely hot in the tub... Aaaaaaah. On Thursday, I worked on the show "Melrose Place," and thank God my friends who usually work that show were there too. They make it fun and crack me up the entire time! We worked until late; I didn't get home until 1:45 in the morning. On Friday, I worked on a show called "Sons of Tucson" standing in for a day player. It was so chill! The actress only had one line, so I basically did nothing and got paid! Plus, my car was used in the scene, so that was a bit extra. During my time on set, I caught up with a very sweet friend of mine, and I also saw another friend I hadn't run into in a while. It was a good thing to hear her news; she has booked three commercials in the recent months, two of which were national and for big names. I am so happy for her, and it also motivates me. After an intensely productive run, I have slowed down a lot lately and am gearing up to make this coming year an excellent one! That night, I also made some new friends, and a bunch of us went to Friday's afterwards for drinks. Saturday, I made myself sleep in until 11:30, and did a little cleaning upon awaking. I went for a 2.5 mile jog, and later surfed the internet browsing for some products . I discovered an amazing curling iron a friend had recommended to me earlier this week and ordered it for half the price on ebay ;) I also found a way of using the same curling technique with the curling irons I already have, and I am in love with how it works!! My hair is going to be curled all week! May sound silly, but I am super thankful for this discovery LOL! It's absolutely awesome and makes me feel so pretty!!!! Today, I woke up early for church. In the afternoon, I cooked a wickedly delish Mexican meal: chili flavored fried rice mixed with ground beef simmered in taco seasoning, topped with diced tomatoes and shredded cheese, and served with a side of baked refried beans smothered with melted cheese! I went on a 2.5 mile sprint not too long ago, and just now finished a lovely bowl of peach ice cream.

Previously, I had already decided what to write about on Thursday but never got around to it. The subject matter is this: I am grateful for TECHNOLOGY! I'm pretty glad to have been born in an era with so much commodities. Cell phones, digital cameras, washers & dryers, microwaves, computers, high speed internet, television, AC and heaters, in short... all sorts of electronics. These things we tend to take for granted and are accustomed to their availability, but how freakin' awesome is it to pick up your completely wire-free phone, touch the screen (don't even have to dial anymore), and instantly be talking with a loved one over 3,000 miles away! Or hmmmmm.. what does "blah" (insert whatever) mean?? Oh.. I think I'll google that!... and I don't have to wait to get to my portable laptop at home, which I can use in any room of the house with the swiftest of ease... I can just pick up my handy dandy smart phone wherever I currently am and VUALA!.. I got the answer to my question. And wait! How cool are digital cameras? You mean I can view a picture as soon as I take it and delete it if I don't like it for any reason? Then I can print only the ones I want? ...not to mention all the neat applications that have been developed to alter and share pics such as photoshop, myspace, and the ever addicting facebook!!! How spoiled are we?? I won't even try to divulge the capabilities of software like Protools and MIDI and other audio engineering tools; it's just ridiculous what can be done with music nowadays, the sky's the limit! Oh, and can I just praise the advent airplanes into the modern age?!! Now we can live anywhere in the world and within a day be on the other side of the planet! What a wonderful thing for those who have family in far off places, to have the comfort of knowing that, if need be, they can just jump on a plane and hurry to be at their family's side. What about this?.. Imagine trying to do household chores and cleaning back in the olden days, without the aid of vacuums, dish washing machines, washers and dryers, and irons! Uggh! That's inconceivable! Yet, we always find reasons to complain. I recently watched a video a friend posted on her facebook profile. It is a clip of Conan O'Brian interviewing a comedian by the name of Louis CK. The clip is called "everything's great and nobody's happy." While being very humorous, the comedian makes a valid point. People have become so impatient, myself included; if they can't get information on their mobile phones or computers in a matter of seconds, it is a tragedy! Wasn't it only a decade ago that it was a privilege to even have "dial up" internet access?! God forbid it take 10 seconds instead of 5 to view a website or open e-mail LOL! By the way, I'm so oblivious... I realized not too long ago that the term "snail-mail" means the regular postal service mail! And isn't it hilarious to call it that? A true indication of how technology has raised our expectations of how quickly tasks should be expedited. Anyways, the youtube clip is really good, watch it if you can; it's funny and relatable. To summarize, I am so blessed to enjoy the wonders of technology and science and engineering the way we know it today. In addition, even though almost everybody around us seems to have these things, there are still many people and places across the globe that have yet to experience playing with or even seeing these gadgets, and some never will. Even in this country, there a many individuals without cars, computers, or phones... and some of them are more concerned with getting shoes on their feet. Thank you God for all my blessings and my fun gadgets :*)!

Last, but greatest of all blessings stated here, I am thankful for my health and that of people I care for. In the last week, I've been hearing too many stories of terrible illnesses affecting people, the most horrible of the stories being a 5 year old child fighting a two and a half year battle with cancer. Apparently, Noah's family doesn't think he will make it to Christmas this year and have decided to celebrate it early for him, I believe next week. They are requesting for people (anyone) to send Christmas cards to him, and thousands already have. If you'd like to send a card, address it to:

Noah Biorkman

1141 Fountain View Circle

South Lyon, MI 48178.

But, most importantly, if you have the slightest moment, say a prayer for a miracle to change Noah's seeming fate... stranger things have happened, and God can do anything! Let's be thankful for a blessing as simple but essential as our health; and if you don't have that, keep believing that while there is life, there is hope.

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